Kenzo was entered in everything! first we took the Rally challenge + won 1st place :) it still wasn't the best run, lots to work on ;) however, as I was already waiting at the conformation ring, I forgot to ask later what we need to work on most.
as the only not-Whippet-puppy I focused on my handling. not too successfully though. new leash, running boy, as usual a little nervous, very high table; could have done better. for non-puppy-BIS another handler-clinic participant with her Border Collie won :) will meet her again this Sunday in Millwood.
last but not least, Obedience. on-leash heeling was so-so, off leas he had a great focus on me 1/2 of the pattern, at the end preferred to wait at the exit until I'm done - LOL. figure 8 was good, standing for exam no problem + the recall was finished with a straight front! yeay :) after the BIS ring was finished we came back for the sit + down + he did NOT lay down while doing the sit! maybe the floor was already too cold? anyways, we had the only qualifying score!!! wouldn't have expected that after the heeling things... my multipurpose boy, what a great job!
Geisha, on her 4 month' 'BD', was entered for conformation too. Just wanted to see how she does with a judge touching her/lifting up the table/positioning her/... as we didn't practice a lot (due to teething, obviously) she was fine :) but sniffed around way too much to show a little gait. she was shaking on the table, but didn't mind the friendly judge too much. the stacking was OK, but of course she was interested in everything else than standing still :) later we entered with a Saluki boy for the group. he won, not a surprise contrary to having another Sighthound around! all in all, an experience that we will have at least 1 more time when she's done with teething.
go on practicing and Geisha will be a perfect conformation whippet! :) Lovely ribbons, I like AKC ribbons a lot.